Friday 21 July 2023


This article is about two people: Ahmed Deedat and John Gilchrist - both looking to the death of Jesus Christ (who is the Lord and Saviour of us Christians, Him who according to the Bible report, died on the Cross of Calvery)

First, a few remarks about Ahmed Deedat: This Islamic hero Apologists Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (although he died long ago in tragic circumstances), in life was part of the Islamic Propagation Centre in Durban (but today, just as his prophet Muhammad - both are in their graves. 

To read more about Deedat you are directed to the following article as well as an invitation where you can visit and join this  WhatsApp Group where we discuss this Islamic Apologist in more detail.

What amaze me is the many arguments that Muslims still use today in debates that are directly taken out of Deedat's books or debates that they copied without thinking about the contents or truth themselves.

Deedat once made little headway with his booklet "Was Christ Crucified?" even though over a hundred thousand copies were eventually distributed. 

Instead of abandoning this project he afterwards published another attack on the Christian faith in the form of his booklet "Crucifixion or Cruci-fiction?"

During my time away this week, I read this booklet - and can't believe my eyes - for the absolute unethical 'methods' and 'tricks' he used to play all sorts of games with his Muslim readers and made Jesus look like a sad example of a guy that totally lost it in his plotting with His disciples and the Jews. 

The Second Person I want to mention is John Gilchrist. As a world class Muslim Apologist, Evangelist and author of many books in answer to Islam's claims.  

In answer to the second book of Deedat: "Crucifixion or Cruci-fiction?" Gilchrist  wrote this professionally researched book:  The Crucifixion: Fact, not Fiction.

Gilchrist summarized Deedat's book as follows: The whole theme of this publication is that Jesus was a man of weak temperament and character who plotted an unsuccessful coup in Jerusalem and who fortuitously survived the cross. 

Gilchrist wrote that this theory has no Biblical foundation and is contradicted by the Qur'an which teaches that Jesus was never put on a cross (Surah 4.157). It is promoted only by the Ahmadiyya cult of Pakistan which has been declared a non-Muslim minority sect. Only Deedat knows why he continues to espouse the cause of a discredited cult and why he advocates a theory that is anathema to true Christians and Muslims alike.

Gilchrist's Book can be download and read at the link underneath as a free ebook:

The Crucifixion: Fact, not Fiction. 

The book covers the following chapters: 

1. Did Jesus Plan an Attempted Coup?

2. The Image of Jesus in Deedat's Booklets

3. Did Jesus Defend Himself at His Trial?

4. The Theory that Jesus Survived the Cross

5. Wild Statements in Deedat's Booklet

6. Gospel Truths Deliberately Suppressed by Deedat

Friday 12 May 2023

Why The Quran is a Man-made Book

The Results of all historical criticism research concluded ... 

Click underneath...

The Quran is a Man-made Book 

(17 Facts to proof it)

A comprehensive Article about The Quran

A comprehensive Article about The Quran


1. The Quran according to Ali Dashti 

Ali Dashti about the Quran in his book "Twenty Three Years"



3. The traditional narrative of the Quran and it's origin. 

According to conventional Islamic belief, the Qurʾān was revealed by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad in the West Arabian towns Mecca and Medina beginning in 610 and ending with Muhammad’s death in 632 CE

The word qurʾān, which occurs already within the Islamic scripture itself (e.g., 9:111 and 75:17–18), is derived from the verb qaraʾa—“to read,” “to recite”—but there is probably also some connection with the Syriac qeryānā, “reading,” used for the recitation of scriptural readings during church services.  (Reference: Where does the Quran originate from?)

The Narrative about the Origin and Preservation of the Quran... (as summarized by Dr Jay Smith from Phander Films)


  1. The Qur’an is uncreated and exists eternally on clay tablets in heaven (S.85:22)
  2. The Qur’an was sent down to Muhammad between 610 – 632 AD, though not written down fully (Al Bukhari 6:509)
  3. The Qur’an was completed by Uthman in 652 AD (Al Bukhari 6:510)
  4. The Qur’an is unchanged in the last 1400 years (Surahs 10:15; 18:27)
  5. The Qur’an is guarded by Allah (Surah 15:9)
  6. The Qur’an was finally canonized in 1924 AD, and made official in 1985


  1. No one can change the Qur’an (Surah 10:15) “And when Our Clear Verses are recited unto them, those who hope not for their meeting with Us, say: Bring us a Qur’an other than this, or change it. ”Say (O Muhammad) “It is not for me to change it on my own accord; I only follow that which is revealed unto me. Verily, I fear if I were to disobey my Lord, the torment of the Great Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)” 
  2. No-one can change Allah’s Words (Surah 18:27) “And recite what has been revealed to you (O Muhammad) of the Book (the Qur’an) of your Lord. None can change His Words, and none will you find as a refuge other than Him.
  3. Allah will Guard the Qur’an (Surah 15:9) “Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur’an) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)”


Nabeel Qureshi: The Text of the Qur’an - Apologetics to Islam

8. Lately researchers have many questions about the Traditional Narrative...

More than one researcher (many of them Ex-Muslims) found in their textual criticism analysis that the Traditional narrative is a myth.

The Following videos look further to some of those Questions: 
  • Is the Quran complete and preserved? How does this book fair out against textual criticism analysis?
  • Join Al and Jay as they share the latest research discoveries done by scholars concerning the many critical issues and problems in the Quran. It expose some of the many damaging issues in the early Quranic manuscripts that will change the view on the Quran as we know it.
  • This is a series of shows covering six different areas related to the Quran, its compilation, preservation, and its earliest manuscripts.

9. Thus...Many Holes in the original narrative

Python and the Holey Quran (David Woods version)

Arguments for the Quran have been chopped to pieces in recent years. And yet Muslim apologists and scholars are pretending that nothing has changed. This reminds me of a scene from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," where the infamous "Black Knight" kept losing body parts but insisted that everything was fine!



(Luxenberg finds an Aramaic Qur'an in 7 steps!)


It seems the Quran is a Man-made Book

Thursday 11 May 2023

KoFie-Projek: Meer oor ons WhatsApp Bediening

 Deurbrake met ons WhatsApp bediening:

Hoe gebruik on WhatsApp saam met Facebook?

Deur 'n WhatsApp nommer op ons Facebook blaaie te plaas, kan persone wat om sekere redes 'n meer veilige kommunikasie metode vereis, ons op WhatsApp kontak. Dis veral noodsaaklik en van groot waarde vir Muslim persone. So het verskeie persone ons reeds op WhatsApp gekontak, van wie ons die data dan verder kan gebruik.

  • Deur verskeie WhatsApp Broadcast groepe stuur ons so aan 'n groot aantal persone op een slag evangelisasie-materiaal. 
  • Tans het ons reeds meer as 4,900 Muslims kontakte met wie ons gereeld op hierdie manier kommunikeer - 
    • Kontaknommer: +27-79-0899391)
  • Verder het ons meer as 2,500 ander kontakte, ook  op Suid Afrikaanse bodem, waar ons fokus op die verspreiding van Koninkryksgefokusde Bybelse beginsels - 
    • Kontaknommer: +27-76-4285260)
  • Ons werk tans op 24 WhatsApp Groepe wat veral fokus op verskillende aspekte wat aktueel is vir Moslems.
  • Dan gebruik ons 17 WhatsApp Groepe in ons kommunikasie met mense ander onderwerpe, soos Evangelisasie, Sendingmobilisering en ander Koninkryksgefokusde materiaal. 
  • Persone wat ons vanaf Facebook op WhatsApp kontak, ontvang 'n outomatiese antwoord boodskap met 'n lys van al die WhatsApp Groepe wat hulle uitnooi om daarby in te skakel.
  • Verder nooi ons die persone op ons kontak-lyste via Broadcasts asook op ons Facebook Blaaie om deel van hierdie groepe te word. Sodanig groei van hierdie groepe met baie nuwe lede. 'n Paar van hierdie Groepe bestaan reeds uit meer as 300 lede.
  • Die aantal Persone met wie daar tans deurlopend op hierdie Groepe gesprekke gevoer word, staan tans op meer as  2,700. 
  • Ons span medewerkers wat oor die tyd saam met ons begin werk het, is reeds meer as 120 persone - sommige selfs vanuit die buiteland.