Pfander Films Material - For Research about Islam

Pfander Films - Research Material to study from Dr Jay Smith and friends.

Pfander Films primary interest is the study and explanation of all issues related to Islam.

FILM of Dr Tom Holland's Documentary: "Islam, The Untold Story" (This 1 hour video is a great introduction to what we will be studying in this course)

PDF of Dr Robert Hoyland's book: "Seeing Islam as Others Saw it"

PDF of Dr Robert Hoyland's article: "Writing the Bio. of the Proph. Muh."

PDF of Alfred Guillaume's book: "Life of Muhammad"

PDF of Dr Tom Holland's book: "In the Shadow of the Sword"

PDF of Dr Patricia Crone/Michael Cook's book: "Hagarism"

PDF of Dr Patricia Crone/Martin Hind's book: "God's Caliph"

PDF of Dr Andrew Rippin's book: "Muslims, Their Rel. Beliefs/Practices"

PDF of Drs Ohlig & Puin's book: "Origins of Islam" 

Below are Web Links to Qira'at Qur'anic sites on the Internet:

More material... Must Watch Videos to learn more (best principles to share the Gospel to Muslims and sometimes also to confront them with the Facts and the Truth)

  • David Wood interviews Jay Smith on Confronting Islam. This is an old video, but the principles still are the same... Jay Smith regularly confronts Islam at Speakers' Corner in London. Yet many Christians (and non-Christians) believe that it is wrong to criticize Muhammad or the Qur'an. Is there a place in Christianity for pointing out the obvious flaws and weaknesses inherent in Islam?

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