Thursday, 12 May 2022

Introduction of our Ministry and a Report about our Latest Outreaches to Muslims

 Introducing our ministry 

KINGDOM FOCUS - KoFie-project 

In our Ministry we share the Gospel on Social Media. 

KoFie.Project = Koninkryksfokus Internet Evangelisasie. (You can read more about our KoFie.Project here

This is a Report that specifically deals about our outreaches on Facebook focussed to Muslims.

For that purpose we use a Facebook Page Conversation with Muslims, where we share the Gospel specifically to Muslims, we very effectively make use of advertisements to "Boost" specific posts aimed at Muslims in selected Muslim dominated countries. We choose specific words and languages that will catch the interests of Muslims about their religion and the fundamentals of their faith.

1.Why do we also focus on Muslims?

Yes, one of the many people groups that we focus on in our ministry is Muslims. Why?

★Numbers: Fact is that 1,8 Billion people adhere to Islam worldwide – 1 out of every 4 people. 

★The Great Commission: That remain the most important task of the Church: To share the Gospel to all nations. Muslims are part of the unreached people block – as they are “unreached” with the Gospel to a great extend.

Although few Christians have a real interest in Muslims and Islam Evangelism, Islam is very much interested in us - in you and me! They have their plan for the whole world and Islam has an increasing influence on world events. Many Christians are ignorant about the Islam religion, believe the lie that Islam is a religion of peace and think it is just another choice in serving the Lord.

★Why we also focus on Muslims? Lastly and most importantly - for the Glory and honour of God. Not only does Islam put their Allah in the place of Almighty God but they fully rejects the deity of Jesus Christ and the truth of the Gospel according to the Bible.

2.How to approach Muslims effectively with the Gospel.

Certain basic facts that Christians need to understand: 

★How Muslims see themselves: The average Muslim is proud of the fact that they are very “religious” and they don't need our message at all. They are actually very sure that they are the final true last revelation from God (they call him Allah); they believe that their prophet Muhammad was the final prophet sent by God and that their book, the Quran, is the final word and message from God to the world. 

★Further Islam is more than a Religion. It is strongly interwoven with their political and cultural worldview.

★A Reality to consider: Muslim dominated countries mostly have laws that prohibit Christians to freely share the Gospel to Muslims and it is thus dangerous for Christians to do. 

Further, it is dangerous for Muslims to leave their religion (Apostate) – although some Muslim countries have religious freedom in their constitution, in reality Muslims that convert to Christianity  are usually persecuted afterwards by their family and the community - they can be killed for that as many experienced already.

★Generally the best method for a Christian to reach out to Muslims is to build a friendship relation with somebody and hopefully get an opportunity somewhere to share their faith. Unfortunately this is very challenging and time consuming and it is nearly impossible to win Muslims in large numbers when thinking about the millions that will never get such an opportunity to ever meet a Christian.

Fortunately, with the availability of Social Media today, one can easily meet many Muslims by this way and start conversations with Muslim all over the world. That is what we focussed on doing!

3. What (not) to share in a conversation with Muslims:

It won’t help to say anything negatively about Islam that will offend and hurt their feelings. That will just left them more hardened than before?

Most Muslims are further very indoctrinated against Christians and the ‘corrupted’ Bible and will immediately use the typical #Parrot_Muslim claims and phrases that they learned from childhood in any debate with them. Very few will be open to really listen to your points in a debate, but rather immediately shock you with one of their claims.

4.The Main Focus of our approach.

★Our main approach with our posts to Muslims on Facebook is rather not to get involved in a debate, but rather to ask questions that will make them think and hopefully start to doubt the fundamentals of their faith  – and open up to search for the real truth.

Three main topics to get their attention are definitely (1) to question the truth about their Book, (2) challenge their man: their prophet Muhammad and (3) point out the flaws in their history, like the fact that the city of Mecca was not found on any map during the time of Muhammad and the description of the city in the Quran does not match with reality.

We therefore focus on selected material that questioned those three topics and share the many contradictions according to latest available researched information.

At the same time we continuously share powerful testimonies of Ex-Muslims about their own road to see the light.

★Further we definitely share the truth of the Gospel all the time in a sensitive way.

★Finally… Pray, Pray, Pray! The Holy Spirit is the only One that can open minds and hearts.

★Are there any success? The Good News is… It happens all the time. Many Muslims leave Islam lately, especially during the last few decades. All the Glory to God.

5.The main Issues about the ‘Books’ (Bible and Quran)

* About the Quran itself:

The Standard Islamic Narrative is that it is timeless and unchangeable. The Quran claims about itself that it is a perfect and incorruptible revelation of God to man, that it is so important that it has existed eternally on tablets in heaven and is faultlessly and perfectly preserved by Allah as its guardian since existence.

* The Quran about the Bible:

The Quran mentioned and accepted ‘our’ holy books as the Word of God: the Torah or the Law, revealed to Musa (or Moses), the Zabur or the Psalms, revealed to Dawud (David) and the Injil or the Gospel, revealed to Isa (Jesus) – these books that are exactly the same as our Bible contents. But our Bible differs in many important aspects with their Quran and traditions (the Hadith, an important additional part of their total belief system).

* The Quranic Dilemma:

This fact that the Quran accepted the Bible on the one hand, but Islam rejected it on the other hand – this we call the “Quran Dilemma".

* One of the Most Important Differences:

It is about the person of Jesus Christ (whom they call Isa) – they reject His divine nature, that He is the son of God or even God Himself. And most important, that He died on the cross and being resurrected again.

* The answer every Muslim gives for that “dilemma”:

is that our Bible is corrupted since the origin of the Quran, but this is never mentioned in the Quran itself and nobody can ever explain when, who and where this corruption took place. Further it is proofed historically that the Bible from the time of Muhammad, during the 7th century, is the exact book that we still use today.

6.This report is of our latest Outreach to Muslims on Facebook:

Through time we learned a lot about the type of posts that is most effective to get the interest of Muslims. In the past the number of people that we reached by any one post was mostly in the order of 50-100 thousand.

Lately we experience the best results ever: results that we can only call unexpectedly amazing.

Three specific posts that gave us this overwhelming results

(* The results of this will be announced during a Seminar in Pretoria in May.)

The detail of those three posts...

1) Post number one is a Pdf version of the Book by Ibn Warraq: "Why I am not a Muslim" (It reached over 100,000 People after 5 days with a Boost cost of only R100)

We Boost this Post another time for R200 – (*Final Results will be announced later.)

👉You can visit the post here...

2) The second Post questioned the Origin of the Quran as from God – that it seems to be a Man-Made Book, and proofs it from their own resources.

👉You can visit the post here...

This post got the interest and attention of a very large number of people, proving that many Muslim people wonder and think about this question... IS THE QURAN NOT ACTUALLY A MAN-MADE BOOK? 

3) The next post was a follow up of the previous one with the same type of content - but with even more factual information (4 more proofs). This post reached even a bigger number of people. (*Those Numbers will be announced a the Seminar in Pretoria DV on 19th May.)

👉You can visit the post here...

7. What does these results prove?

One fact that is very sure: These posts got the attention of large numbers of people -

The fact that such a big number of mostly Muslims showed an interest in this topic prove that many Muslim people wonder about this question; And hopefully also started thinking… MAY BE THE QURAN IS ACTUALLY A MAN-MADE BOOK! MAY BE IT IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD! THEY STARTED TO DOUBT THEIR BOOK – THE FUNDAMENTAL BASIS OF THEIR FAITH.

😰May many of them increase in the doubting of their book and their Religion.

🤔May many of them open a willingness to look for more answers and be willing to consider the truths from the real Word of God – the Bible!

8. How to follow up all these people?

Our efforts to respond to the many people, especially those that contact us on WhatsApp - this can only be shared in another Report.  
If you are interested in the rest of the story ...

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